Miscellaneous Personal Stuff
Updated: January 02, 2025
I signed the Giving What We Can pledge in 2017, committing at least 10% of my income to organizations that I believe are the most effective at improving the lives of others.
The main charity I've supported over the years is GiveWell. I've donated to their Top Charities fund, which they distribute to their highest-impact organizations at their discretion, and I've also supported GiveWell itself directly. If you're unsure where to start giving, their Top Charities fund is an easy option.
These days, I primarily support organizations aiming to reduce existential risk, such as the Center for AI Safety and Lightcone Infrastructure.
If you are interested in effective altruism, I suggest that you start by reading the book The Life You Can Save by Peter Singer.

I played the piano in my childhood but stopped in 2012. I resumed in 2020 during COVID and learned a few songs. I hope to return to practicing once I get a piano in London.
Invention No. 1 by Bach
The Name of Life by Joe Hisaishi
What Child Is This, as performed by the Vince Guaraldi Trio
Media Diet
- Zvi Moshowitz's Don't Worry About the Vase
- Scott Alexander's Astral Codex Ten
- The Economist's The World in Brief
- Liron Shapira's Doom Debates
- Dwarkesh Patel's podcast
- Cal Newport's Deep Questions podcast
Any books
I try to block most other media using Cold Turkey or Screen Time on iOS to reduce distractions. I'm sure I miss out on some great information, but the focus it brings me is worth it.